December 6 2001
Added an interview with Chuck, mid '95, and a Symbolic review,
both from Heavy Oder Was, check the TALKS*
and VIEWS* (thanks Aitor). Those
of you reading these pages who still have stuff laying around
somewhere, please send it over, so we can put it on the site.
Interviews, CD reviews, concert reviews, anything worthwhile.
November 28 2001
Added an article from this month's Rock Hard about the history
of death metal, and a Live in L.A. LP review, also from Rock
Hard, check the TALKS* and VIEWS*.
November 19 2001
To help Chuck (Death, Control Denied), we added an auction
page to our website today. There, you may bid for three cymbals
which were signed by various bands during the Wacken Open
Air and Summer Breeze Festival. Some of the bands were: Saxon,
Doro, Stratovarius, Mortician, Paul Di Anno/Killers, Lefay,
Re-Vision, The Haunted, Nevermore, Witchery, At The Gates,
Kreator, Vicious Rumors, Crematory, Immortal, Primal Fear,
Alex Beyrodt, Sodom, Rage, Moonspell, Amorphis... The whole
income of this auction will be given to Chuck to help him
with his therapy. So, if you think that sounds interesting,
check it out: http://www.nuclearblast.de/auction
November 12 2001
Dear fans and friends,
I want to tell you that Chuck has been very ill for three
weeks in the hospital with pneumonia, but is now on the road
to recovery and will hopefully be home soon. While it was
unexpected, when a person is undergoing chemotherapy, a low
immune system keeps that person vulnerable to other illnesses.
That is why I have not answered Chuck's email for some time,
I am there with him. I will keep Yvonne posted with how he
is doing.
Jane Schuldiner (Chuck's mom)
November 4 2001
Added two reviews and an interview (with Chuck) from Metal-Rules
(thanks Evil G), check the VIEWS*
and TALKS*.
October 29 2001
Added two interviews with Chuck one from Ill Literature and
the other from Sentinel Steel. Also added an interview with
Cynic from Thrash 'n Burn (thanks Perry), plus an interview
with Gene Hoglan from Rock Hard. Check the TALKS*.
And finally we've added the first review of Live in Eindhoven
(from Aardschok) check the VIEWS*.
Note: These are the first five articles done with the new
October 19 2001
Message from Chuck:
I want to thank everybody for your much appreciated words
of support from all over the world, it has been immensely
welcomed. I also want you to know that I'm finally making
good progress on the road to recovery. I was able to begin
the new treatment of chemo that has really made the difference,
and for that I thank Chuck Billy and his wife for their great
generosity in sharing the benefits from the concert and the
fans and friends who were there to make it all possible. I
am looking forward to seeing you in the not too distant future.
And remember, support music, not rumors!!!!
October 16 2001
We would like to announce the second wave of eBay auctions
that is posted today and can be accessed through Ebay.
Future items up for bidding include guitars donated by Andy
LaRocque and Novembers Doom, drum sticks and a snare drum
donated by Control Denied's Richard Christy, autographed
memorabilia from Ozzy Ozbourne, an autographed cymbal from
Bill Ward, the original Cannibal Corpse banner used at their
live shows (Barnes era) and much much more!
New items will be added every 3 days to stagger the work,
it's impossible to keep everybody updated through email so
keep checking back on the page to see what's new.
Thanks go out to everyone that has donated items and helped
us to keep this effort going. We have raised about $7,500
so far and although that may not put a HUGE dent in The Schuldiner's
financial burden, it HAS helped and it HAS made many things
possible for Chuck during his recovery. On behalf of the Schuldiner
family, we sincerely thank you.
Maria Abril
October 12 2001
Martyr Music Group acquires Hammerheart America.
On October 1st,
an agreement was made between Martyr Music Group (USA) and
Hammerheart Records (Netherlands) to merge Hammerheart America
into MMG completely. The two companies have existed separately,
yet side by side, since Martyr Music Group owner, Maria Abril,
opened Hammerheart America in the summer of 2000. Commenting
on the merger Abril said, "While it was easy enough to
run two labels separately from one location, it started to
become apparent to both myself and the owners of Hammerheart
in Holland that there was a better path for us to take while
still ensuring the proper coverage for our artists throughout
North America. This way there is less red tape and Martyr
Music will continue to grow the way I had planned in 2002.
Now artists like Sinister, Dismember and Control Denied will
be licensed directly to Martyr Music Group, instead of simply
utilizing it's distribution. That, to me, is a very special
honor and when I look back on the 3.5 years of history already
behind MMG, I can hardly believe this is all real."
"We are very happy to
see our artists being licensed to Martyr Music Group, so we
know they will get the attention and treatment they deserve.
The future for Hammerheart Records looks great, and the contribution
from Martyr's side only makes it better...we wish Maria and
her Headbanger-staff all the success for 2002!" (Guido
Heijnens - Hammerheart).
"The people at Hammerheart
are all really great people. They're honest and they've always
treated my staff and I with the utmost respect. I am extremely
positive over the idea of continuing on with them and watching
something that I gave birth to over three years ago, thrive
and make a serious dent in the industry." (Maria Abril
- Martyr Music Group).
October 10 2001
Contrary to what is to being said elsewhere, Tim Aymar is
still very much a part of Control Denied. Of course due to
Chuck's current condition, the album "When Machine and
Man Collide" has been postponed indefinitely. Chuck has
already finished recording much of the guitar, and the drum
tracks have been recorded, but the album is by no means complete.
October 8 2001
We added some reviews about Live in L.A. as well as an old
review of Spiritual Healing, check the VIEWS.
October 3 2001
Luca Minieri made great navigation menu's (top and bottom)
for the EmptyWords mainpages. Hope you all like it.
Thank you so much Luca, we would never have been able to do
that ourselves.
Live in Eindhoven tracklist: The Philosopher, Trapped In A
Corner, Crystal Mountain, Suicide Machine, Together As One,
Zero Tolerance, Lack Of Comprehension, Flesh And The Power
It Holds, Flattening Of Emotions, Spirit Crusher and Pull
The Plug.
September 25 2001
Added the Rock Hard Live in L.A. CD and DVD reviews, check
the VIEWS. Added a report of the Thrash Of The Titans festival,
also from Rock Hard, check the GIGS.
For everybody who's still looking for merchandise, check www.headbangersdelight.com
they still have some stuff, such as the Death logo necklage,
in stock.
- Saturday September
22 2001
Added the first Live in L.A. reviews from Aardschok (the Rock
Hard reviews will follow a.s.a.p.), check the VIEWS.
Also added an old gig review from Thrash 'n Burn, check the
- Friday September
14 2001
Added another old article from Thrash 'n Burn (check the TALKS),
and the Inhuman Tour Of The World 1991 tourschedule (check the
TOURS). Thanks again Perry.
- Thursday September
13 2001
Message from Greg Smith (Woodbridge benefit):
I want to thank everyone for your support of the Chuck Schuldiner
Benefit Show slated for this Sunday at Packees in Woodbridge,
NJ. After a lot of discussion between the bands, myself, the
club owner and others involved, we have decided to postpone
the show out of respect for the victims of the tragedies on
9/11. We also have concerns that there still may be more disasters
to come, though we hope beyond hope that we are wrong. There
is just no way you can be prepared for an event like this and
no one knows what is going to happen over the next few days.
For the safety of everyone involved we think it is best to put
the show off for now. Please mention spread the word. We will
announce a new date once the show has been re-scheduled.
I hope you and all of your friends and family are okay in light
of yesterday's tragedies.
- Sunday September
2 2001
Added an old interview with Chuck of mid '87 from Metal Forces
(the oldest interview up till now, thanks Perry). Check the
- Friday August
31 2001
From Hammerheart:
Many of you will recall that when we started our fundraising
efforts, approximately three months ago, that Death/Control
Denied founder, Chuck Schuldiner, was brought to Los Angeles
to take part in a trial for a still experimental chemotherapy
agent called Vincristine. Although the family was assured that
the drug is virtually non-toxic in nature, the large dosage
which Schuldiner received over the span of five days did indeed
poison him causing risidual difficulties and weakness which
he has been recovering from since. These effects are all considered
to be temporary and in fact Chuck is making progress and gaining
his strength back day by day.
Previously unreleased Death demo material will be released by
Hammerheart Records, worldwide, in an effort to raise
additional funds. After costs, proceeds will be donated into
Chuck's account. The release, although still not scheduled,
will be called "Zero Tolerance".
- Wednesday August
29 2001
From Nuclear Blast:
NB will be releasing another live CD called Live
In Eindhoven (recorded at the Dynamo '98 show), which,
by the way, was the first live appearance of the Sound Of
Perseverance line-up. The CD will only be available through
Nuclear Blast mail order. The CD will sell for $7, and $2.50
of each CD will go directly to the Chuck Schuldiner Medical
Fund. There will also be a DVD for $12 of the same show. Both
the CD and DVD will only be available in slip-sleeves (no jewel
cases) and will be released on October 29.
For more information on how to order the CD, please visit www.nuclearblast.de/death.
There will also be an information card inside each copy of Live
in L.A. (Death & Raw) with all the information on how
to order.
- Monday August
27 2001
We added another tourschedule (ITP-Europe) on the TOURS page.
We still need your help with this. Send us anything you have,
including concert pics, posters, pics of t-shirts, short stories
etc to tours@emptywords.org.
Every now and then we update the BENEFIT page, keep an eye on
it. If you know of any benefit event that's not posted, please
get in touch with us and we'll post it.
If you're not a team member yet of the Death/Control Denied
team at United Devices, please check out the info on the UNITED
DEVICES page and help us help them in the fight against cancer.
Messages to Chuck can be sent to tanzid2@hotmail.com. You can also
use the EMPTYWORDS guestbook to leave your message.
In two weeks the Live in L.A. CD and DVD/VHS will hit stores
in Europe. Save your money and buy it! We'll provide you with
the reviews shortly. The info is already available on the WORKS
page, including some snap shots of the DVD/VHS.
Those planning to see Richard Christy with Iced Earth in Europe
must have a bit of patience, as the tour has been rescheduled
to January 2002. Iced Earth are going to be touring the States
with Judas Priest and Anthrax first, check the Iced
Earth site for dates.
- Friday August
3 2001
A message from Chuck's mom:
Chuck is home from the hospital for a week now and is showing
much improvement. He appreciates very much the outpouring of
email and it really lights up his day when he reads them. It
really does make a big difference when I go over bringing so
many messages of support.
- Sunday July
29 2001
Dear fans and friends of Chuck,
This is Chuck's mom. Due to a misunderstanding on my part, personal
mail that should be going directly to Chuck is being sent to
other addresses. When I was asked permission, I assumed it was
email that I could print out and take to Chuck, as I always
do. That is not the case. Chuck has been in the hospital here
in Florida for 15 days undergoing treatment, and I see him every
day and night. I have said before how much the support he gets
from you all means to him, and this way I can take any mail,
cards, etc over to him, something for him to look forward to
daily. That makes a lot more sense than being sent to other
addresses and then forwarded to him. My address is below for
you to send personal correspondence directly to Chuck, in care
of me.
You can send email to tanzid2@hotmail.com Thank you.
Jane Schuldiner
609 E Citrus Street
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
- Wednesday July
18 2001
From Nuclear Blast:
Death "Live in L.A." (Death & Raw) will
be released in Europe on September 17th and in the USA on October
16th. VHS and DVD versions will be released on the same dates.
"Live in L.A." was recorded at the legendary Whisky
A Go Go in Los Angeles, California during the sold-out "The
Sound Of Perseverance" tour. It never was planned to be
released, so there are a few things on this album which are
not 100% perfect, which you usually get from Chuck and his mates.
This is a soundboard recording, which leads to some slight sound
problems, but you can nonetheless hear the outstanding performance
and musical quality of Death. This band is in a class all by
itself! The sound is still absolutely outstanding and retains
a gritty intensity that's missing on live records that are overdubbed.
Spirit Crusher
Trapped In A Corner
Scavenger Of Human Sorrow
Crystal Mountain
Flesh And The Power It Holds
Zero Tolerance
Zombie Ritual
Suicide Machine
Together As One
Empty Words
Pull The Plug |
- Sunday July
8 2001
Over the past week we've experienced the "evil" of
the net. Thanks to the Wscript virus we had some major problems.
As of today we are going to host our newsletter at Bravenet,
if you want to keep receiving the EmptyWords newsletter, please
subscribe again.
- Friday June
29 2001
From Hammerheart:
On behalf of Chuck's family, thank you for your continued support.
Our efforts HAVE made a difference but we're far from finished
with our work here. Follow-up scans show good progress with
the new treatment and at this time our metal brother is receiving
the best possible care. There are many more scans, medications
and follow-up treatments needed so we'd like to stress that
we need to continue this incredible solidarity and remain a
trustworthy foundation for the family as things continue. To
date some very generous donations have been made and although
out of respect for people's privacy we will not list private
individuals here, we'd like to acknowledge their personal sacrifices
in our own way. In addition we thank Brian and Metal Blade for
their support, Iann and MBS Productions, Jon Weiderhorn, all
at Mazur PR, George Cox, ESQ, the kind folks at Delirium and
everyone that has given up personal belongings or time to help
us fight this battle.
Naturally we want to send out our praise and support to Chuck
Billy who has absolutely personified the true spirit of Heavy
Metal by offering to share his benefit concert with The Schuldiner
family. Please check out www.thrashofthetitans for more information
on this historic metal event. Chuck, we thank you and you are
not alone.
Your personal letters have all been passed on, thanks for taking
the time to do it. There were some incredible things said and
everyone was truly touched. As everyone mobilizes their resources
to help out, several benefit concerts have been put together.
If you want to verify whether or not they are shows that we
are aware of or endorse as ACTUAL benefits, feel free to email
us. If you are DOING a show, please contact the label and share
your info with us so we know who is doing what and where. We
will also make sure everyone's donations end up where they should
end up-with Chuck.
- Monday June
25 2001
We decided to remove the overseas page from the site.The worthwhile
articles have been placed in the appropriate sections; TALKS/GIGS
and VIEWS. We also posted the tourschedule for the TSOP European
tour, (thanks Dave). Keep checking out the benefit page, as
we update that regularly with new events.
- Friday June
15 2001
Both Hammerheart auctions at E-Bay and AllBeat are still going
and this entire fundraiser is still very important. But they
can only post new things as they receive them, so please keep
them coming. Everybody who want to donate can email auction@hammerheartamerica.com
or phone directly at (412) 390-4088.
Some benefit dates have been rescheduled and some new benefit
events have been added, check the BENEFIT page.
For those who haven't noticed yet, we've added another Guitar
World article (04-1995), thanks Brian. Check the TALKS. Whenever
you have something laying around that you think would be nice
to end up on EmptyWords let us know. The essay about metal in
Iran is up as well, check the Voices From Iran article (TALKS
as well).
- Tuesday June
5 2001
From Hammerheart:
Chuck is home again after receiving the first of several treatments
with a fairly new and still relatively experimental drug called
Vincristine (VCR). Vincristine belongs to a class of naturally
occurring chemotherapy agents, which are extracted from the
periwinkle plant and, unlike many chemotherapy drugs, bears
practically no toxic side effects. Chuck was initially turned
away at the door when the administrator of Cedar Sinai Comprehensive
Care Center informed Chuck and his sister that he would not
be brought in until they produced enough money, up front. Many
more treatments will be necessary to restore Chuck's health
and will most likely be in conjunction with other types of cancer
treatments, which possibly include another surgery. For more
information on how YOU can help make a difference in someone's
fight for life, check the details on the SUPPORT page and act
today! He is one of our own and we will NOT leave him behind.
- Saturday June
2 2001
First of all we want to thank Chuck Billy on behalf of all Death/Control
Denied fans for his more than generous offer to share a part
of the Thrash Of The Titans festival
proceeds with Chuck. The BENEFIT page is back again, all benefit
concerts and events will be placed there. Let us know when you
want your benefit event/concert on as well.
- Friday June
1 2001
There is going to be a benefit festival in the Netherlands on
September the 2nd in 013/Tilburg, check out the Dutch
Tribute Site.
- Thursday May
31 2001
Chuck's mom asked us to post this message from her to all the
readers of this site.
"This has been one of the worst days since we found out
about Chuck's illness. He went to Cedars Sinai hospital in Los
Angeles, California today for his appointment for the first
treatment. Beth, his sister, went with her father's credit cards,
Power of Attorney, and a Letter of Intent from Music Care to
help with the large expenses of this treatment. Beth was told
by the Vice President of Cedars Sinai's comprehensive Care Center,
Floyd Frasier, #310-425-0600, that none of these were acceptable
to them. The Executive Director, Paul Odea, would not even talk
to her. Beth was frantic, asking if Chuck's treatment could
be started until she could get the matter resolved. No was the
answer. After finally threatening to get her attorney involved
and to go to the media, as she had to do when the surgery took
place last year in New York, they finally took the cards, allowing
the procedure to take place. I am telling you this so all of
you will know of the continuing saga of how the American health
system is willing to let a person die for the sake of money.
My son has never expected charity. For two years he and Beth
have paid over $200,000.00 of their own money, plus the generous
donations of his fans and friends, for the treatments for his
illness, aware every time that if he does not get the money,
he will die. Even when the cash is paid, the attitude of the
caregivers and hospitals are one bordering on contempt that
he does not have insurance. There is something terribly wrong
when a country as great as America will let their citizens die
for lack of insurance or money. Unfortunately, we had to have
a devastating illness to realize that we are unprotected in
many ways. I am asking the people who read this to please get
insurance, immediately. This could happen to you if you live
in the United States of America. Chuck's illness was caused
by a split cell, it is a fluke, not genetic or anything he ate
or drank or the air he breathed. That also could happen to any
of us. So please, as healthy as you are today, you may, God
forbid, desperately need that insurance tomorrow. I want to
thank you all for your emails, letters, cards and support you
have given Chuck. As in last year, it means so much, not only
to Chuck, but to us, his family."
Jane Schuldiner
- Friday May 25
From Hammerheart:
Maria Abril will be flying from Pittsburgh to Florida to visit
Chuck Schuldiner tomorrow, May 26th. She has requested that
anyone that would like to send Chuck get-well wishes may do
so by e-mailing her directly at letters@hammerheartamerica.com
. We MUST receive all letters at our office by 1 A.M U.S. Eastern
time in order for her to be able to deliver them to Chuck in
person. We kindly ask, however, that all letters refrain from
mentioning the media scrutiny and the benefit auctions at this
time. It is our desire to help raise Chuck's spirits at a crucial
time in his treatment/recovery process, and as such we'd like
to show him how much his MUSIC and his creative energy has touched
us all over the past decade and a half, as opposed to this dreadful
disease. It would help tremendously for him to know how many
people truly care and love him and have been positively affected
by his art. Aside from family and friends, his music and his
fans truly are THE most important thing in his life.
Thank you, The Hammerheart America staff
- Thursday May
24 2001
Today we have to put out a very sad message. Chuck is very seriously
ill again, the tumor has recurred and another operation is probably
going to happen this week.
Please take note of the support page
again, it's still needed very badly.
Hereby the official press release from Hammerheart:
Two years ago this month, on his 31st birthday, Chuck Schuldiner,
founder of Death & Control Denied and forefather to an entire
movement in Heavy Metal, was diagnosed with a malignant brain
tumor. For the past two years, Chuck has fought for his life,
family and passion for music. Fans worldwide voiced their concern
and support and when possible tried to send donations to the
Schuldiner's medical fund to assist in the payment of Chuck's
care. Hammerheart and the entire Schuldiner family are greatly
appreciative for the continued generosity and enthusiasm, however
at this time have additional news to share with the musical
At this very moment it is necessary for Chuck to have a very
specific and immediate surgical treatment which is being denied
to him based on a lack of funds. Chuck needs immediate surgery;
in fact he is at home in Florida awaiting the opportunity for
a very delicate operation that his doctors adamantly insist
is crucial for his recovery. After having exhausted every possible
avenue, Chuck's family and friends are reaching out to ask for
your assistance.
Did you know that unless you already have one foot inside death's
door that many US government assistance programs are not available
to you? Did you know that in certain states a pre-existing medical
condition can keep you from obtaining any medical insurance
whatsoever, leaving all medical expenses in the lap of the sick
and their families? Do you know how many people die of cancer
every year because there is not enough help or awareness provided
to them?
Chuck Schuldiner is no faceless stranger to any us. He has inspired
more bands than anyone could ever count. He has afforded a lot
of us with the opportunity to do what we love for a living.
He has changed the face of metal and effected so many lives
forever. Chuck Schuldiner is one of our own and we need to help
him now, more than ever.
In order to make this treatment possible, Hammerheart America,
in conjunction with labels, magazines, radio stations and bands
worldwide, is organizing an online
auction of rare collectibles, autographed musical keepsakes
and custom-made instruments, straight out of the artist's hands,
amongst them one of Chuck's very own guitars and a Steve DiGiorgio
custom bass. Every penny raised goes into the medical fund set
up by Chuck's family. In addition, anything donated as a gift
to this fund is tax deductible. Anyone able to spare even a
few dollars would be helping us conquer a very serious obstacle.
Artists willing to donate something to this auction can email
or call the office directly at (412) 390-4088. Information on
the auction can be found on the Hammerheart America webpage
at http://www.hammerheartamerica.com/makeadifference.html
Anyone wishing to verify any information herein or obtain additional
information may contact Hammerheart America directly. If we
all pull together we CAN make a difference for not just one
life but for millions
Information on the "Charles Schuldiner Medical Fund"
is as follows:
Washington Mutual Bank
500 East Alta Drive
Altamonte Springs, FL. 32701
Bank routing number: 321180748
Account number: 3513564696
Hammerheart America,
PO Box 42323,
Pittsburgh PA 15203
(412) 390-4088, info@hammerheartamerica.com
- Friday May 18
Added two old interviews from Guitar World (1992) (thanks again
Rob), check the TALKS.
Also added the first two tourschedules that were sent to us,
check the new TOURS page, and keep them coming!
- Tuesday May
15 2001
From Nuclear Blast the long awaited tracklist for Death Live
in L.A.
Intro~The Philosopher~Spirit Crusher~Trapped In A Corner~Scavenger
Of Human Sorrow~Crystal Mountain~Flesh And The Power It Holds~Zero
Tolerance~Zombie Ritual~Suicide Machine~Together As One~Empty
Words~Symbolic~Pull The Plug.
- Sunday May 13
We want to gather all the past tourschedules for the SCHEDULE
page. We need your help. Send us any information you have (ie:dates
from the back of tour shirts).
Please include a short story about the gigs you've been to and
if possible some pics. Send it to tours@emptywords.org
- Friday May 11
Today we present the new URL for the EmptyWords site: www.emptywords.org . Due to the high
amount of traffic we had to obtain more webspace, thanks for
visiting our site, we're really honored to be having so many
visitors! The old url will be working as usual.
- Saturday May
5 2001
From Nuclear Blast:
"Live In L.A. (Death & Raw)" will be released
soon, the first live album of Death. Recorded during their US
tour 1999, all classics of the long Death-history will be featured
there! This show will be available on CD, video and DVD.
- Friday April
27 2001
We put some tips on the United Devices page.
- Sunday April
15 2001
Another old concert review from Metal Maniacs is published (thanks
Robbie), check the GIGS.
- Friday April
13 2001
UNITED page you can find out about how to join the team
we've set up at United Devices.
It shows how you can help the University of Oxford in finding
a drug against cancer. Please step in to join us and make a
difference !
- Saturday April
7 2001
At the moment we are working on a story called "Voices
From Iran". The first part is published in TALKS.
- Monday March
26 2001
From Hammerheart:
At this time, schedules are finally coming together for these
busy guys. The remaining guitar tracks are going to be recorded
next month. Exact scheduling for Steve's sessions is still being
worked out so we'll keep everyone posted. Due to the enormous
amount of work creating this album and supporting it from within
the label, When Machine and Man Collide will not be a
summer release. We do promise that it will be 250% worth the
wait!!! Artwork is being done by Travis Smith who co-designed
Control Denied's debut CD, The Fragile Art of Existence.
- Sunday March
25 2001
We added another old concert review (October 3th 1993) check
out the GIGS.
We also want to give one of the bands that played on the benefit
festival last year some attention; God Dethroned, check out
the TALKS.
- Sunday March
4 2001
Added an old concert review (October 25th 1998) check out the
- Thursday March
1 2001
Published the last missing Rock Hard review, Individual Thought
Patterns, check out the VIEWS.
- Friday February
23 2001
Another oldie from the Rock Hard review archives is on, Leprosy,
check out the VIEWS.
- Thursday February
15 2001
Published the next missing Rock Hard review, Spiritual Healing,
check out the VIEWS.
- Saturday February
10 2001
The German Rock Hard is working on their archives, which gives
us a chance to complete our own collection of Rock Hard reviews.
The review of Scream Bloody Gore is published, check out the
- Sunday January
21 2001
While awaiting the new Control Denied album "When Machine
And Man Collide", we thought it would be interesting for
you to find out more about one of Richard Christy's other bands
Burning Inside. After we finally heard their album "The
Eve Of The Entities" we decided to put on an interview
with Steve Childers. Check out the TALKS page.
- Monday January
1 2001
Happy new year to all of you. We rearranged the news pages and
are ready for the news of 2001, you can always use the sitemap
if things are not clear.
The sitekeepers