Chapter 1: Introduction
Music is the mother tongue of every human. Introducing & praising the ones who supported the project, Mohammad Pazhutan & Dr. M.J. Mossafa.

Chapter 2: Western Society &......
Attitudes about the music & musicians. Real music like classical, jazz and rock are real arts and will last forever. Corporate music like pop is business, something like fashion, which doesn't last more than a few years. Death metal lyrics are almost asexual and they don't use erotic lyrics to attract people and earn money as pop artists do.

Chapter 3: Around.....
History of music and history of thought-provoking lyrics from poets like Arthur Rimbaud and Jim Morrison, and a look at Chuck Schuldiner's lyrics as a work of art. Death metal lyrics divide in two parts approximately. Unreal and dreamlike lyrics about beasts and monsters like a horror movie, and deep lyrics about facts of life that make us think.

Chapter 4: About......
About Death band from Mantas to Control Denied. Introducing all band members. Describing shortly two lyrics of each album.

Chapter 5-12: Lyrics & translations

Chapter 13: Writings
Briefly describing our opinions about the subject of four lyrics including: Left To Die, Crystal Mountain & Consumed (written by me) and Empty Words (written by MP).

The writer, January 2001

to voices from iran

Written by Mahyar Mohyeddean for EmptyWords-Published on April 7 2001