
I - Trapped in a Corner
I hate categories, categories suck. You know, categories
are okay if you go to the grocery store and you want to
go to the vegetable departement and the meat departement
but for music… you know metal is metal, and all those
categories screwed a lot of people up because it, it like,
made people kinda scared to listen to a certain type of
metal because they heard rumors about that kind of metal.
If you’re metal you’re metal. If you have long
hair, you sweat your ass off, you play fast, melodic, guess
what, you’re metal. And some people are scared to
admit that, at least in America especially they’re
scared of that term “heavy metal”. But for us
we all grew up on heavy metal. We all grew up on Metallica
and Iron Maiden and Slayer and Raven, Exciter and Judas
Priest, Kiss, Sabbath. |

II - Scavenger of Human Sorrow
I think it’s good to catch people off guard. You know
it’s good to be unpredictable. Life’s too predictable
sometimes. It’s nice when all of a sudden you hear
out of nowhere that a band’s getting back together.
You know, as a fan I was thrilled to hear Kiss was getting
back together. Not that we’re Kiss, but you know to
fans, a fan is a fan and I think it’s great that people
are like wow, you know, Death is getting back together,
and blablabla, and there’s a lot of rumors and talk
about it, and it made for good hype, you know, a lot of
people were surprised and it just worked out that way. It
wasn’t something I planned it was something that felt
right at the time. |

III - Scavenger of Human Sorrow - continued
I know for a fact I make certain people angry for speaking
my mind. But… uh… you know what I’m a
fan. I’m 31 years old. I’ve been listening to
rock music and metal since I was like nine or ten years
old, you know, so for me I’m just like anyone else,
I have an opinion, that’s gonna make some people mad,
but my opinion is yes I’m lucky, we’re all lucky
to be in a band that can come out with a record that’s
very much what we’re into and that’s metal,
melodic, no hiphop, jumping up and down, baggy trousers,
crap. |

IV - Suicide Machine
Metallica, Raven and Exciter, I think that was a tour in
the early 80’s and then Mercyful Fate and Venom toured
together. It was metal you know, that was back in the day,
when people had like you know Iron Maiden patch here, a
Venom patch here, a Slayer patch, a Metallica patch, you
know. Why did it go wrong? What happened? I don’t
get it you know. That’s why we’re happy to say
hey we’re here, we’re alive, we’re doing
okay and we’re just like anyone else, we’re
fans. |

V - Together as One
You can’t please everyone, I’m realistic about
that, cause there’s always gonna be someone leaving
the show says, “oh they sucked.” But 99,9% you
know, I think from the shows we played there’s a lot
of happy people leaving. You know, talking to people after
the show that’s when we really hear what their opinions
are. |