Back of tour shirt [b]
The first time
I saw Death perform was when I was in high school around the
summer of 1991 (or maybe later, my memory isn't that well) during
the "Spiritual Healing" Tour. They played at a small
club/bar called AFTERDARK. The other bands that played were
Devestation (I am almost sure) and Dark Reign from Houston,
TX (I am definately sure). The most memorable moment of the
show was when Death started playing "Spiritual Healing."
The pit grew large and the brutality was flowing. I got up enough
guts to dive from a speaker stack and was thrown around like
a bag of old rags (I weighed 95 lbs at the time). The energy
and the intensity grew. Then "it" happened. The barrier
that seperated the audience from the stage COLLAPSED! Fists
were flying. Bodies hit the floor. Bouncers were crushed. It
was mayhem. I can say that no one died. I was almost sure were
we going to have some crippled teenagers on our hands. As far
as I know, that didn't happen either. It was one hell of a night
I still remember my "I Survived The Brutality" T-shirt
I bought. I proudly wore that shirt to school as much as I could
because I believed I truly had lived through a night of "awesome
Thanks for the memories Chuck.
Alvaro Saar Rios, Houston, TX, November 5th 2004 03:39:31 AM