And Brian's view?...
"Japan ruled!!!!! The crowds, the people, the shows, the
food... everything was incredible!!! I've always wanted to go
to Japan and it was great of Chuck to take me with them. I think
the whole band and crew experienced an opportunity together
we will never forget! I'd also like to say hello to all the
friends I made there. You made Japan very special for me and
I'll never forget it. I've tasted the Orient... and I like it!
Hey Mako!!!
It was clear
when DEATH returned, they had developed a unique, strong bond
with the Japanese fans- and were really surprised to see their
dedication to the metal scene in general... "The fans were
really awesome," Chuck began, "they really seemed
to enjoy themselves and are so sincere when it comes to their
support for the music.
Japan has the
greatest metal scene of all time without a doubt. The grunge
movement has not effected heavy metal there whatsoever. I was
so inspired being there. The people were all so friendly and
truly interested in all aspects of the music. The press there
is really incredible as well as they show tons of support for
metal bands from all over the world... Besides the overabundance
of Metal, I was drooling over the food there. It was incredible!
Lots of spicy stuff so I was really going sick and eating large
amounts until I was at my danger level of stomach carnage!!
They also made some of the best ice tea, raging stuff!"
And altough the
entire Japan tour was incredible, we were curious to know which
show was the most intense... Bobby and Brian jumped to answer
that one!
"I usually
don't get nervous before shows, but I do get psyched if I know
it's going to be a great show. And the whole time in Japan,
you just knew it the second we went up on stage. The first night
in Osaka set the precedent for the whole tour... happy, crazy
kids hungry for the music. The second Tokyo show was out of
control!!! There was nothing negative about the whol experience,
believe me. I could ramble (about Japan) for days..." Bobby
smiled content.
"Yeah, the
last show in Tokyo was my favorite." Brian explained. "It
was packed and I think we all just went full force. They also
taped it for us. I want to add that every show in Japan ruled,
but the last one just seemed special..."

"The last
show in Tokyo was definitely a major inspiration." Chuck
added. "It was packed and people were ready to have a good
time, and so were we! It was all caught on video. We may be
able to someday release it to the public eventually. I'd love
for people to see it, as a home video format. Our soundman,
Paul really kicked ass on it as well." Chuck continued,
"I was really anticipating that first show in Japan though...
finally! It was pretty incredible to look out there in the audience
and see true reality that Japan was not just a dream anymore..."