Review: Human
Magazine: Heavy Metal / Italy
Written by: Nicola Guglielmi
Published: December 1991

Revenge. It's how the only original member and leader of Death, Chuck Schuldiner, has answered us in a recent interview regarding the question of defining with one word his band's last work. In fact Chuck has answered the best way (with music) all the accusations, criticism and groaning, coming from high and low against him in recent years.

For this project Chuck has put together a first class ensemble: Steve DiGiorgio, bass player of Sadus, Paul Masvidal (guitar) and Sean Reinert (drums) both "rented" from Miami-based Cynic, have been the right choices and contributed an unforgettable performance. 'Human' is different from previous Death albums, going beyond the "tight" death metal patterns and making the sound of Florida's quartet more technical and progressive. The brutality and violence of 'Scream Bloody Gore' and 'Leprosy' is replaced by a cleaner sound and better arrangements; not all of the old Death fans will appreciate it, but this musical evolution is just the consequence of Chuck Schuldiner's hard work to improve his own technique, abilities and musicianship.

In the mid-'80s Death made history with their very first LP ('Scream Bloody Gore' is the official beginning of death metal...); this makes Chuck even more praiseworthy, because he succeeded in leaving the usual patterns following new musical impulses, now that death metal is in a dangerously idle stage...

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Translated by VC/MM for EmptyWords-Published on September 24 2003